Sunday, March 2, 2008

Cookie Press

I got hungry around lunch time today, as um, I guess most people do, and decided to make a sandwich, which was simple but good. Sometimes you just can't beat a bologna and cheese on rye! As I attempted to leave the kitchen a moment or so after I had made my sandwich, I could swear my oven gave me a dirty look. I haven't had a chance to bake anything in the last week or so, and I knew my Kitchen Aid mixer and Silpats were feeling neglected. So I decided to pump out some easy press cookies really fast just so I could face my appliances again without feeling guilty. 
I love my cookie press, there's something so satisfying about a batter gun pumping out perfectly shaped cookies at darn near light speed. I don't really care all that much about my right to bear arms, but I'd certainly care if the Second Amendment included my Cookie Gun! 
It's such a simple butter heavy recipe that only takes minutes to throw together. Of course it calls for regular granulated sugar, but I keep all my baking sugar happily infused with vanilla beans, so I think that makes these cookies extra yummy. 
I still remember back when my mom began teaching me to bake, and how she always told me how important measuring flour was. She explained that you never want to pack your flour, so you should always use a spoon to fill your measuring cup, and then use a knife to even out the flour and then smoothly scrape the extra powder off the top. Every time I do it I remember her advice and smile. 
This recipe makes about 7 to 8 dozen cookies, but they are relatively small, and easily popped in the mouth whole without the need to take a bite. If you have a cookie press and want a simple recipe, here's a great basic one: 
  • 1 1/2 cups butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract (I'm not a fan of almond extract, so I just use 1 1/2 tsp. of vanilla extract instead)
  • 3 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
- Preheat oven to 375º
- Cream butter and sugar
- Add milk, egg vanilla and almond extracts - beat well
- Stir flour and baking powder together, then gradually add to creamed mixture - mix until dough is smooth
- Do not chill - fill cookie press and have a go at it!
- Bake for 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned around the edges
- Eat! 

All Rights Reserved 2008 © Books and Bakes


Jen said...

Hi Kate-

You're cookies look so cute- I love the sprinkles. I don't have a cookie press so I can't make these kind of cookies but I certainly like to eat them when other people do!


P.S. I think you birthday is the day after mine... happy belated birthday--

CristinA said...

I also have a cookie press but I could not find a recipe that works with it.
My cookie press si made of plastic.
Your's made from plastic or metal?